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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Calling All Film Students: Watch Me Starve

I want to make a movie and I need some help. I came up with this idea during a brainstorming session for a new organization called "Unite Youth". The idea would be for me to adopt the diet of some of the world's poorest people and film the experience and its impact on my body and life. At the same time, images and information about extreme poverty would be peppered throughout the film. I would eat this way until I raise $100,000 which would then go to some relief and development organization for a project in one of the poorest communities in the world. Hopefully, I could use the media to locate some people who would be interested in matching any money that I raise. I am thinking that this would be kind of like Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me" but with a focus on poverty and hunger.

I really like this idea. It seems like something very simple (okay, not that simple I suppose) that I can do to help my brothers and sisters in the poorest parts of the world. I am assuming that bringing awareness of how difficult poverty is through highlighting the hunger aspect will in some way motivate others to consider using their resources to help end extreme poverty. If you watched a movie where an average american guy (physically anyway) starved himself and educated you on the realities of poverty for many people in the world, would that compel you to act? I am assuming that on some level, the answer is "yes". What would be the most important things to highlight? Is it more important to just show the starving people in Africa? I think not, because we've all seen those Sally Struthers commercials and we haven't done a damn thing. I don't know if watching a white guy in Philly starve himself would do any better, but I think it is a very interesting idea. I am also wondering what the impact of the $100,000 on some community would be and if documenting that part would encourage people to give to development organizations after seeing how their money can make a difference.

So, to all my non comment-leaving friends, please let me know what you think about this idea. I am seriously thinking about doing it. I have always hated the extreme disparities that exist in this world, but I have never felt led to leave this country in pursuit of a solution. This seems like it could be my contribution as a rich American to my friends in the poorer parts of the world. And I think doing it right here in Philly, one of the fattest cities in the world, would be kind of interesting. What do you think? Do you know anyone who can help?


Sue said...

Hi Ryan, this is the first time I've come by your blog. found it through Biscotti Brain. Love your idea, a kind of reverse super size me. It will be interesting in light of the impact that 'Super-size me' had on the way we eat to see how this film might affect the way we give. I will be watching.

Anonymous said...

hey very interesting idea. make sure you consult your nutritionist. the guy from super size me started having liver problems so he had to modify the diet plan.

diane said...

I think it's a great idea Ryan! Go for it! I hope that it captures the kind of attention that it deserves.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a super-sized idea- go Ryan!

Sue said...

do you not post your comments?

Sandra said...

Hey, I think its an awesome idea, Ryan. Completely lucid, and crazy at the same time.

I think you should go for it. I'll bet you could find somebody to promote it for you. Some Nasheville band or something. Heheheh. That seems kind of oxymoronic. But it could work.

IndyChristian said...

Let us know if you go for it, Ryan.