New Blog Address

Ryan's blog can now be found HERE.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Accidental Delete

Somehow my previous post entitled "Africa-Size Me part deux" deleted itself. I'm not sure what happened. I added the post about our open mic night and then when I was finished, my previous post was gone. I will try to summarize it and get an update on here soon. If anyone has any way of retrieving the prior post, please let me know. Thanks!

UPDATE: The commitments I'm considering:

1.) Give this project at least one day a week for at least a year
2.) Let other people have creative control, with only a few exceptions
3.) Using my own money in the form of a home equity loan to get things started
4.) Not mixing this project with other ideas or projects/staying focused
5.) Forming and submitting to a board of advisors to keep me accountable
6.) Limiting my income from the project to only getting back what I put in
7.) Having a good time

Any thoughts?


Ryan K. said...

What a loser.

Erin said...

LOL! Well, some advice from a self-professed idiot... cut yourself some slack. Blogger was having problems the last couple days. Your post disappearance could have had something to do with that.