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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Be Curious.

Interesting concept. Powered by Yahoo! Search, a portion of the ad revenue from Good Search is given to charities such as Hunting Park Christian Academy. Check out the search engine and choose HPCA or your charity of choice. They only get a penny per search, so be curious.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug Ryan. But I want to make sure that those who do choose HPCA (though you would have to type in Hunting Park Christian Academy) search with integrity. If you do use this method of searching the web, please make "legitimate" searches. That is to say don't search for something 500 times in a row just because you want to raise $5.00 for HPCA. Any organization that is connected with fraudulent searches will be delisted. Moreso it's an ethical issue as well. Thank you.

Ryan K. said...

I doubt that whole "fraudulent search" thing will ever catch on. The payoff is too low. It would be more efficient to walk around the streets picking up pennies and collecting cans.