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Sunday, September 03, 2006

When God Closes a Door He Opens a Taco Bell

Something my pastor said in church today made me wonder if Jesus ever prayed for God to "open a door." Doubtful. There was not a lot of ambiguity to Jesus' ministry, not a lot of waiting around for a "sense of peace." I hunger for those moments of clear conviction and swift action. I think those are probably indiciative of what God really wants us to do, the things he's put deep in our hearts.

I think that whole "when God closes a door he opens a window" thing is really much more about our impatience than it is about God's guidance.

These are the thoughts of a man who stayed up all night painting his bedroom and came home from church to find that his microwave is broken and the only fresh food he has to eat is salad.

I am going to Taco Bell. No deliberation needed. No windows or doors invovled.

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