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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Night Owls

Just wrapped up one of those deep, late night conversations that make living in community so wonderful. Josh and I were talking about all sorts of things generally around the idea of what God is teaching us and where he is leading our lives.

The last thing I said is that I am afraid of being beaten up in the park or having the house broken into, but not because I am worried about physical harm or material loss. Rather, I am worried that such an experience might tarnish the love I have for this place, as the love I have for myself is probably greater. The most significant thing you could steal from me is the absolute joy this neighborhood brings me. It has been God's gift to me for several years.


Erin said...

"I am worried that such an experience might tarnish the love I have for this place, as the love I have for myself is probably greater."

Pretty profound, Ryan. Feels like the kind of place Jesus likes to work.

MJ said...

Believe it or not I get the same fears here in my safe, rural home especially since burgleries have increased lately and during the daytime. It's not so much fear of death as it is the pain that might be involved from being attacked. Yeah, we will always love ourselves way too much.