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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Late Nights With Jesus

I'm just getting in from a long night of hanging out with people. I might go out again in a couple of minutes. I went to a party of some friends from another church and got into a great converstaion about hell with a handful of people. At the end, there was a genuine enthusiasm for studying the Bible together to see what hell is alll about. This encouraged me just because so many Bible studies seem to be just an end in themselves, but we were all excited to look to the Bible for truth about questions that really matter to us. From there, I left and went to a bar with a friend and her co-workers who are less churchy. I ended up playing pool with a couple of them and a couple of women in their 50's who were really hot for their age and very gracious at kicking our asses. I bought a round of drinks for everyone and they thought I was the coolest person ever. $36 to make some new friends is not bad in my book. I started to wonder if the gospel could have been communicated better if I had started talking about the four spiritual laws. I'm not so sure. Then I came back home and talked for about 30 minutes with two of my roommates about all sorts of issues. I'm typing this now and debating whether I should take a stroll through the park and say hi to a couple of prostitutes and drop of a pamphlet at the 24 hour gas station where I have made friends with this Muslim dude. The pamphlet compares Muslim and Christian beliefs and tries to point out the untruths that the respective religions are taught about each other. It ultimately is geared to getting Muslims to consider Christianity, but it's about as tactful as I can imagine something like that being. So I just want to say that it is a joy to serve Jesus in this way. It's not a chore. People are great and God knew what he was doing when he created us. It is good to connect with people on whatever level is available and somehow that makes me love Jesus more. I am tired and I have church in the morning, but I think a walk in the park will do me well. I hope I don't get shot (I'd rather not mention that, but it's the truth and is worth sharing) but I also hope to have more encounters with the image of God. I don't know man. It seems to me that this is what it's all about.

p.s. - thanks to the makers of Yuengling Lager for their partial contribution to this post.

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