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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Falwell in Philly

Jerry Falwell, Rick Santorum, MLK Jr.'s niece Alveda King, Dr. James Dobson, and others are in town for Justice Sunday III. I'm going to try to get out to this tonight. It should be interesting to be around the "moral majority" for a minute. I suspect that I don't share much in common with this crowd, but if I do go I'm going to try to keep an open mind. LINK

UPDATE: Not going to make it. My house gets together for prayer on Sunday nights and there wasn't enough interest in going. They are supposed to have a live video stream on the web, but I can't get it to work right now.

UPDATE 2: Some blogs about this event. I really love this stuff. I am too young to have good perspective, but I don't remember these kinds of "culture wars" from when I was a kid.

Protest Photos
Lashawn Barber
Stacy L. Harp
Huffington Post
Family Research Council

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