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Thursday, January 05, 2006


Feeling really shitty right about now. Sin is never victimless and I have seen once again how my sin hurts others tonight. My heart feels empty and I feel like a fool and a victim. A victim of evil forces and a fool for allowing them to control me. Behind all the bravado, I am weak and helpless in many ways - unable to stand on my own two feet. I feel like the biggest sinner in the world. Please Jesus, conquer this sin in my life.


Anonymous said...

:( cheer up.

Erin said...

What does it feel like now, two days later?

Have you come to a different understanding, or did it all go away once the shitty feeling passed?

Ryan K. said...

It feels better. I was forgiven by the person who it affected the most and that goes a long way. This was actually something that I did way back in October and am just dealing with it now. I'm glad that I have a gracious friend who is able to see beyond my faults.