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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hunting Park Christian Academy daily Bible reading podcast

I just set up a new podcast for my church's Pre-K through 8th Grade day school, Hunting Park Christian Academy. The idea is that each school day (and hopefully through the summer) we will post a new scripture being read by one of the school's 200+ students. We will be using The Message, Eugene Peterson's paraphrase of the bible in contemporary language. I recorded three 7th grade girls today and was impressed with their excitement and respect for God's word. I am hoping that people will find a way to add this to their daily routine by subscribing to the feed and taking their iPod to work or simply clicking on the "direct download" links on the podcast's web site and listening to the files on their computer. Eventually, I will start including information about various things that are happening at the school and also inviting those who are blessed by the podcast to partner with us financially. I am hoping to use this as a way to generate revenue for the warehouse rehab project which will add a gym and 30 classrooms to the school's current facilities. I am also just curious to see if people will appreciate something like this, so please let me know your thoughts and any ideas on how to make this concept better. Another great thing is that this gives me a fun way to introduce our kids to some of the technologies that are out there. I think this can be a very cool thing! I would appreciate as much publicity for this new podcast as possible. Please do me a favor and email to your friends and post on your blogs. Thanks!!

If you have iTunes, you can get to the pocast site directly by following this link.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I pray that you have a blast with this, and that there will be amazing Kingdom implications that you can't even imagine...