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Monday, September 10, 2007

Prayer for Kevin Everett

Players from the Bills and Broncos pray for Bills tight end Kevin Everett who was injured on a head-to-head hit during the opening kickoff of the second half of yesterday's gave. He may be paralyzed as a result of the injury.


kathyhoch said...

Kevin, Please do not, not let the media determine your destiny. You will walk again. I know several others, including my father, not just one person, who have been told they would not live or walk again and here we are years down the road and their breathing and walking and happy. Don't listen to them and just know that if you believe you will walk will. Our family is praying for you, have faith in God and yourself! The Hochenberger Family - Jensen Beach, FL

Unknown said...

Doctors told me I would never walk again after I broke two vertebrae and was left completely paralyzed but I PROVED THEM WRONG! I have been down the road Kevin Everett has just been placed on and I would like to help in anyway possible. I had someone speak to me that overcame a spinal cord injury while I was lying in the bed and I know how much it meant to me.

Please let me know if I can help!

Shane Goddard

Ryan K. said...

Is this some new kind of blog spam?